PERSONAL PROTECTION AND DATA PROTECTION →Hello again!!! in today's class we have learned about personal data protection. Next we will talk about information that we all need to know when using devices. Nowadays we use technologies and devices for everything, that's why we should know that we are exposed to have our accounts hacked. We have to be careful when putting passwords or user numbers on pages that are not very secure.  Installing things like Antivirus or Malware Detection Tool will allow us to stay away from this type of hackers. Since there are malicious programs that seek to obtain personal data and money. It is also advisable to renew passwords from time to time and not to use the same password for all accounts. In addition to this, it is also advisable to use secure passwords, which are those that contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers.  Another thing we can do to avoid obtaining our data is to delete cookies, because every tim...

LESSON 9 (parts 2 and 3)


Hello again! I have decided to put these two classes together because in both we use the same resource: Hot Potatoes. 

Hot Potatoes is not one, but six teaching tools that were developed with the aim of facilitating the possibility of developing interactive exercises based on web pages. These six tools or programs, which we can also call "potatoes", allow you to create multimedia exercises thanks to the JavaScript language.

To practice, we had to create an exercise with each of the "potatoes". Here are the examples that I have made based on the topic of pet animals, as you already know.

JCloze: This potato allows you to fill in the gaps in the text that you have written yourself. Besides you can also add tracks.

And once the exercise is finished, the score appears on the screen:

JMatch: This potato allows us to create an exercise with two columns to match. We can put photos or text.

JMix: With this potato we can make sentences by joining individual words. 

It is also important to note that a maximum time can be set for each exercise:

JCross: This potato allows you to create crosswords. There is the option to insert all the words you want to put and the program itself creates the crossword for you, in this way you can save time and not think so much as to link each word. Also, some key phrases can be added in order to make it more easy.

JQuiz: This potato is based on writing questions and then there will be multiple solutions, in this way the student can read the different solutions and choose which one is correct.

You can write as many questions as you want, for example I have written three. Students can navigate through them by clicking on the arrows.

The Masher: This is the last step, with it we can unite all the potatoes as if it were a "mashed potatoes". That is, when using the masher we can join the exercises in a way that allows us to navigate between them using the next and previous arrows.

Finally, if we click on the index button, it will take us to a table as we see in the following image, and in this we can see all the exercises that make up the web page.


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