PERSONAL PROTECTION AND DATA PROTECTION →Hello again!!! in today's class we have learned about personal data protection. Next we will talk about information that we all need to know when using devices. Nowadays we use technologies and devices for everything, that's why we should know that we are exposed to have our accounts hacked. We have to be careful when putting passwords or user numbers on pages that are not very secure.  Installing things like Antivirus or Malware Detection Tool will allow us to stay away from this type of hackers. Since there are malicious programs that seek to obtain personal data and money. It is also advisable to renew passwords from time to time and not to use the same password for all accounts. In addition to this, it is also advisable to use secure passwords, which are those that contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers.  Another thing we can do to avoid obtaining our data is to delete cookies, because every tim...




→ Hello again! 

In today's class we have learned many concepts that will help us to use technology and tools to work in teams and create collaborative projects. Such as collaborative tools like forums and wikis.

These tools usually need internet connection, although some are already based on the software that we install on our computer or laptop. Others are directly a cloud service and we can use them from the web browser. This type of software allows you to create a digital medium for sharing ideas, documents, images, etc.

On the other hand, there are also digital collaboration tools that allow us to interact with others through video, videoconferencing or even webinars. In addition, these transmissions can be public or private where anyone can join with the corresponding link. Some of them are: Skype, Zoom, Twich, ...

Another collaborative tool could be through documents, these allow the creation and development of multiple collaborative documents. Some examples are: Google Doc or Office 365.

There are also the well-known forums, which are online sites where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. Messages are usually archived temporarily. To practice, we had to respond to a forum created by the teacher. We also had to interact with our classmates by responding to their posts.

Chats are synchronous tools, this means that they are in real time. All platforms with instant messaging such as WhatsApp can be considered as a chat tool. Blogs are websites where information or discussion of a topic is reported or discussed, it is the style of a newspaper so it consists of more informal entries. They have a section of forums or sections to add comments.

The last tool we have seen are wikis, websites in which users collaboratively modify the content and structure directly from the web browser. These contents are usually public, Wikipedia is the best known example. In general they are usually related to specific topics and in some cases experts can complement and add new terms. 

There are also other collaborative tools such as Diigo, which we have used in previous classes. And in social networks we can create groups to share content or generate a debate.


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LESSON 10 (animated names)