

PERSONAL PROTECTION AND DATA PROTECTION →Hello again!!! in today's class we have learned about personal data protection. Next we will talk about information that we all need to know when using devices. Nowadays we use technologies and devices for everything, that's why we should know that we are exposed to have our accounts hacked. We have to be careful when putting passwords or user numbers on pages that are not very secure.  Installing things like Antivirus or Malware Detection Tool will allow us to stay away from this type of hackers. Since there are malicious programs that seek to obtain personal data and money. It is also advisable to renew passwords from time to time and not to use the same password for all accounts. In addition to this, it is also advisable to use secure passwords, which are those that contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers.  Another thing we can do to avoid obtaining our data is to delete cookies, because every tim...

LESSON 10 (input to variables)

→Hi everyone!!  Today we have learned how to make variables. For this we have used three sprites (Ballerina, Batter and Dani) and two different backdrops (Greek Theater and Castle 3). When we want to ask a question we will use the "ask" command that is in the Sensing code. Using this command allows us to interact with the game so that it is the spectator who writes the answer to the question that the character says.  On the other hand, we can also relate the answers so that a single value is created. For example, the character can ask for some numbers and once these answers are registered, with the join function we can add, subtract, multiply and divide them. Here you have some examples and the link of the activity: The link:  https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/525973434

LESSON 10 (chaising game)

→ Hello again, we continue with the Scratch exercises. For this one we have created a chasing game. We have used codes that allow us to move in this case the character of the robot as if it were a video game with the arrows on the keyboard (up, down, right, left). Also, the astronaut has a code that makes him to be continuously moving around the screen to randoms positions.

LESSON 10 (create a story)

→ For this exercise we had to create a story.  For this we have practiced the dialogues between characters, which are written with the "looks" code.  Here are some images and the link in case you want to take a look at the story I made.  The link:   https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/523810251 For this other exercise, we have used the "broadcast" and "when i receive a message" code in order to make the dialogues between the characters more dynamic.

LESSON 10 (animated names)

→ Hello again!!  next we will work only with scratch, so the posts I will upload will be related exercises.  For this exercise the goal was to create our name using the letter sprites. To each letter we assign a different function. In the picture below I show you where you can change the sprites and background: In my case the L changes color, the U changes its position when you touch it, rotating 15 degrees each time. On the other hand when pressing the C sounds a sound, with the I sounds the sound of the drum and the letter moves around the screen. And finally the A changes its size.

LESSON 10 (loop concept)

PROGRAMMING - LOOPS CONCEPT → Hello everyone!! Today we have continued with programming, this time we focused on the concept of loops. This consists of a function that allows us to repeat certain actions the number of times that we want.  First we have used again the Primary Code program, selecting the loops section. Here are some examples:   1. We must give a value to "i", in this way it will increase as we click on the button. 2. In this other example, the values increase by 2 as they meet the indications and values that "i", "a", and "b" have. 3. Here is another example, as "i" increases, the values of "a" and "b" change according to their function. On the other hand, using Scratch I have done two different exercises using the loops. In this exercise the cat counts from 1 to 10 and also from 10 to 1. To repeat this action, we must press the green flag. In this other exercise I have inserted two different charac...

LESSON 10 (conditional concept)

 PROGRAMMING - CONDITIONALS CONCEPT → Hello everyone!!!  Today we have continued with programming and we have learned the conditionals, these are used by the computer to make decisions.  The Primary Code program offers us several examples where students can see more clearly this new concept. Here are a few examples: In this example we can choose a value for b. The result will depend on the selected value, the higher number will appear on the screen. On the other hand, this example allows you to choose a number based on the grade you want to get, depending on the value selected, your result will be a "B", "C" or "F". On the other hand, we can also see this concept of conditionals in Scratch . We will have to create different variables, in this first example we have "a" and "b", and we have added the conditional of a>b or a<b. According to the values that we give to "a" or "b" the cat will say which variable is ...

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LESSON 10 (animated names)